
Our work shop is based in Shirley, NY 11967:

 STANDARD DELIVERY AND PICKUP FEE includes deliverysetup, and return breakdown with pickup of all decor items we provided:

Travel within 60 miles from Shirley, New York to the event location is free. Any travel over 60 miles will be charged a mileage fee of $1 per additional mile. Please note that this distance/rate is for a round trip. Based on the size of the order, setup logistics, labor, and time. Additional $50 for after MIDNIGHT (11:59PM) and next day before 9am.

ONLY includes delivery and setup only

 Starts at $95 applicable for events that does not require us to return and pickup any reusable framework or rentals. Additional $1 per mile for areas beyond standard delivery zones. Based on the size of the order, setup logistics, labor, and time.

HOLD THE DATE –$150 retainer-->Chimera Representative will Invoice and send contract.